Dear Loving wife and my beautiful children,I miss you all very much and which I was with all you right now but the south needs my help. I am staying in a camp in Florida and the beach is beautiful and the camp well less so, the food here is okay but not as close as food at home . how are the slaves doing and how are the children, hows billy is he sick and did any of the slaves get sick. if so please call the doctor to find out what it is. Have you heard from my father I worry about him and how he is all by himself. the war has been going well so far we have claimed fort Sumter and there were no casualties. Jefferson Davis is the president of the Confederate army and all south states have succeeded. But president Lincoln has put a group of 75,000 men to try to stop us. But that man underestimates the power of the south ,But so far we are doing good and fighting for are rights and are slaves I wish you all the best and hope you all are fine and we end this war.
sincerely: Steven B. Madden
sincerely: Steven B. Madden
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