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Letter Home 1864

Millicent, I wish I was writing of joyous victories for the Confederacy, but sadly I am reporting unfortunate events that have come into the path of the South. As I am sure you have heard by now of the Union's capturing of Atlanta. Sherman's men marched into Georgia destroying everyone and everything in their paths. They killed and burned, not just soldiers, but also innocent people. We never thought they'd reach Atlanta, we were unprepared for their raid. I fear that this will weaken and frighten our men. For not only was this just a loss, but the Union now has control of one of our only manufacturing cities. I do not know how this will impact our supplies yet, but hope it will not. This will split the South in two. I hope the next time I write it is with good news and in a time of high spirits. I hope all is well on the farm and that it is running smoothly. I will try to write soon, but I must go now. -George
